Everything we do is either building us up or breaking us down. This becomes a lot more apparent with decades of ingrained patterns and habits. Foundation Training is a unique combination of prehab and rehab, meaning it both prevents and helps treat pain and injuries.
Create new brain-body pathways
- Functional movement is an opportunity to hold our body the way it wants to be held. Functional movement regulates our nervous system which is allows us to feel more balanced in our thoughts, emotions and daily rhythms.
Participate in life without pain
- Don’t buy in to the idea that getting older means falling apart and/or giving up what you enjoy doing. Your body is always adapting, ready and willing to change if you offer it the right input. In class you will learn how your bodily tension, alignment, and expansion all impact how you feel from moment to moment.
Empower yourself
- Find out how your body is designed to feel. Pain medications only cover symptoms temporarily. Nagging injuries don’t fix themselves. Take control of your well-being with movement that can be done anywhere, without any equipment, and can be directly integrated to your daily life to mediate unpleasant bodily sensations.
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