Every Monday we will gather for a deep body meditation facilitated by Mariane Karou from Dance Alive.
Inner Rhythms is a guided meditation that heals, rebalances and rejuvenates you. By moving DEEP into CONTACT with your whole system, you deepen your TRUST in your Self. Our bodies inherently know how to heal, move, regenerate and bring us into greater balance. Mariane guides you to train your body and mind to not interfere or override your innate intelligence. Your body is always inviting you in and your loving attention is all that is needed.
Inner Rhythms Guides You To:
Access your Knowledge
Heighten your Intuition
Make Choices with Confidence
Deepen Your Trust in Yourself
Expand Your Capacity to Feel
Creatively Problem Solve
Stay Connected to Yourself While Relating
Allow Your Body to Heal and Rejuvenate
These weekly classes are for all ages and skill levels. Whether you are just beginning or very advanced with this practice you will gain a new level of access to your subconscious, intuition and physical body.
Classes are recorded and will be played in our studio and can be purchased through a single class HERE or monthly membership via Dance Alive.**
** Den members can access in person classes as part of their membership.
They are also eligible to recieve a 50% discount code for an Inner Rhythms membership which will give you access to over 70 meditations. Please email us for the code.
MARIANE KAROU is a formative leader, master teacher, innovator and pioneer in the field of movement, somatic education, and life training.
Torkom Ji's Quantum Harmonix is a sound experience designed to invoke deep states of consciousness while assisting the body in finding rest and harmony. The movement of the sounds invoke nature and expresses harmonic overtones which shower and revitalize the mind, body and soul. These sounds are tuned to 432 Hz and dynamically take you through a cellular journey that transcends space and time. Infinite potential and possibility can open up through accessing the subtle vibrations of Quantum Harmonix.